Saturday, September 12, 2009

Szabo 833s just refoamed.

I got these fantastic speakers back in a trade. Here's what I said six months ago after a few days listening:
The Szabo 833s are fabulous! Amazing bass, stunning midrange (from an excellent dome midrange driver), excellent imaging...all in all one of the finest speakers I've had.

I'm really enjoying them again. Since I last had them here I've started using an external USB DAC, and found a modest turntable that makes me happy, so the Szabos sound even better than before.

I wish I could say that I wasn't surprised that the foams were starting to disintegrate only 7 months after I last heard them, when the foams seemed to be in fine shape, but I was. Such is the nature of these volatile old foam compounds (most of which rot into petroleum based gummy tarlike sludge, that has to be scraped off the cone and basket before refoaming) still looked great, but peeled off the cone in one sticky piece, the other looked fine except for the quarter that was gone!

Anyhow, I refoamed them this afternoon, inverting the surrounds as the 8 inch woofers had been originally. They sound gorgeous right now with the Sansui.

e-mail me


Anonymous said...

I just picked up a pair myself ( Black cabs ). They sound great!
Do you know the history on Szabo speakers?

Thanks Ian

Unknown said...

John Szabo is my grandfather who passed over 5 years ago. What would you like to know?

Anonymous said...

I have 2 sets of szabo speakers that were built by my uncle John if interested call me at 5197914956

Anonymous said...

Hi : ) Do you still have the speakers?

Anonymous said...

Hi you still check messages on this site? I have a pair of Szabo 833s and Love them!!

Anonymous said...

Revisiting this old forum. Does anyone posting and/or related to John Szabo here, have any old brochures or magazine reviews for his truly wonderful speakers? I have the Szabo 831s, cherish them and would like to have more info on them, if at all available. Very little in the way of info online. Would be willing to pay.


Anonymous said...

Hello..I myself have a pair off 833s and I do enjoy them immensely. They are paired with a Yamaha CR 420 and a Dual turntable for that 70s vibe. Looking for info on cone work as on mid centre button has collapsed.

Anonymous said...

I also have a pair of 831s and a pair of 224 and yes they sound amazing i have them hooked up to my 1977 maranz 1530

Anonymous said...

I met your grandfather in the late 70s as I worked at a small woodworking shop called uropa kitchens we made the first couple of prototypes. I was 17 -18 at the time .he was a nice man