Monday, October 22, 2012

Just arrived. Camber 2 loudspeakers.

  The final version of what were initially the Rega 2 speakers. Renamed Camber after Roy Gandy, Rega proprietor freaked out when he learned that his Canadian turntable distributor was producing unauthorized Rega badged speakers. The excellent Camber woofer is better built than the Audax woofer in the early Rega version, and equally good sounding. The Cambers have proper binding posts, not spring connectors. I really like these speakers, and have always liked this form factor, slim and deep.

1 comment:

  1. I just purchased a pair of the early version of these Regas at a local thrift shop. They image really well and sound very neutral. I too love the form factor of these speakers and may very well have to change out the spring loaded speaker connectors.
