Thursday, July 22, 2010

I have a Sansui AU-9900.

It powers on, but the relay doesn't click. I am thrilled to have it, impatient for Vladimir to get back from Russia and make this baby his first priority the minute he's off the plane. Look at the construction...that rear section that's nothing but the transformer, massive capacitors, output transistors and those cool heatsinks. In the front, the inputs are on one side, the outputs on the other. The back contains the power cord and auxiliary outlets, nothing else. My title was going to be 'I bagged the Elephant' but some of you may be too young to remember Wallstreet. I feel that I have a keeper sitting here. This is a magnificent beast.


  1. OMG!!!! That thing is amazing! where do you find all this stuff.

    I (HEART) Sansui

  2. quite the score Lloyd, try not to lose too much sleep these next few days :)
